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Sentinel North Student Association

association étudiante Sentinelle Nord - logo

Established in the Fall of 2017, the Sentinel North Student Association (Association étudiante de Sentinelle Nord - AÉSN) aims to strengthen the sense of belonging to the Sentinel North community and foster the development of a transdisciplinary network of contacts.


More precisely, the Association commits to:

  • Broadcasting information relevant to students evolving within Sentinel North
  • Connecting Sentinel North students with each other
  • Planning social and educative activities
  • Representing students in the decision-making processes of Sentinel North


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  • Events and activities

    Pinte Sentinelle Nord 2022


    pinte sentinelle nord 2022


    Student retreat

    AÉSN invites you to its student retreat which will take place from April 15 to 16, 2022 at the Ursuline Spirituality Center. This retreat offers a relaxing and supportive environment for you to study yourself and your professional skills. During this retreat, you will be able to meet other students, develop your personal and professional skills through the training : "Management Skills and Personal Development" as well as work on your essay.


    aesn retraite étudiante sentinelle nord 2022


    Escape game

    As part of the Sentinel North Scientific Meeting, the Association Étudiante de Sentinelle Nord (AÉSN) invites you to participate in an online escape game and/or in-person social event at the University Pub.

    Escape Game: Participants in the escape game will be divided into teams of 3 to 4 players on Friday, October 29. They will then have until Monday, November 1 at 6:30 p.m. to complete the escape game and report the time they took to complete the game to the AÉSN. Members of the fastest team will each win a $75 gift certificate to Place Laurier in Quebec City.

    Evening at the University Pub: In the evening, we invite you to join us in person for an evening at the University Pub. The purpose of this evening is to allow participants of the scientific meeting to meet their colleagues in person! During this evening, we will also announce the winning team of the escape game. The result will also be posted on the AÉSN social networks.

    Registration for these two activities is open until Thursday, October 28 via the form:

    Registration for activities is mandatory for all those who wish to participate. You can register for either or both activity independently.


    Rentrée ludique

    The Association invites you to take part in its Rentrée ludique! Register on the Association’s Facebook page to enjoy a relaxing time with Sentinel North’s student and research community.

    rentrée ludique SN


    AESN Annual General Meeting

    The Sentinel North Student Association (AÉSN) invites you to attend its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Tuesday, October 6, 2020 at noon.

    The AGM will be held online over lunch time and will aim to adopt the proposed changes to the charter by the current executive committee and elect the new executive committee members for the coming year.

    Agenda :

    1. Opening of the meeting
    2. Verification of the quorum
    3. Adoption of the chairperson and secretary of the meeting
    4. Reading and adoption of the agenda
    5. Adoption of the minutes of the 2019 general meeting
    6. Opening of the meeting
    7. Presentation and adoption of the 2019-2020 financial statements and the 2020-2021 budget
    8. Presentation and adoption of amendments to the charter
    9. Election of the Executive Committee 2020-2021
    10. Miscellaneous
    11. Adjournment of the meeting

    Consult the charter with the proposed changes.


    AESN Pub Quiz!

    In the classroom? In the lab? At a distance? We're adapting! Despite the pandemic, we look forward to welcoming you all. 

    The Sentinel North Student Association (AESN) invites you to its first virtual networking event. Take advantage of the new reality created by COVID-19 to discover people we might never have met on campus! 

    When: September 22, 12pm to 1:30pm
    Where: online (a Zoom link will be sent to you a few days before the event)
    Cost: free
    Language: French and English
    Prizes for the winners!


    Pub Quiz le 22 septembre


    Pinte Sentinelle Nord - Winter 2020

    The Sentinel North Student Association invites you to the Sentinel North Pint 2020, which will take place on February 19, 2020 at the Rideau Rouge (1147 Avenue Cartier, Québec). This science outreach activity is open to the public and aims to present the research of students and professors through a series of short conferences.

    Facebook event

    pinte sentinelle nord hiver 2020


    Lights on Students Happy Hour

    This networking activity puts the spotlight on the students by presenting the training opportunities available, the sharing of international and northern experiences and the recipients of excellence scholarships.


    4à7 sentinelle nord AESN octobre 2019


    Northern transdisciplinary challenge

    Inspired by the multidisciplinary nature of Sentinel North, this challenge is open to all students and postdoctoral fellows of Université Laval, who will have to use their creativity and ingenuity to solve a concrete technical problem based on northern issues.

    sentinelle nord défi transdisciplinaire nordique 2019

    Sentinel North Pint - Curiosités du monde naturel 2019

    As part of the Curiosités du monde naturel exhibit at the Musée de la civilisation, the Association is organizing a special edition of the Sentinel North Pint. This unique event will take place on May 30th and will bring together presentations from each of Sentinel North's research themes.


    pinte sentinelle nord musée de la civilisation mai 2019

    Sentinel North Pint - Fall 2018

    The Sentinel North Student Association invites you to the second Sentinel North Pint , which will take place on November 13, 2018 at the District St-Joseph (240, rue St-Joseph Est) from 7 to 9 pm. This science outreach activity is open to the public and aims to present the research of Thematic project 2Light as a driver, environment, and information carrier in natural environments and human health through a series of conferences by the researchers at the heart of the projects.

    Get all details here


    Logo competition

    The Association launched a logo contest at the Sentinel North second annual meeting. The participants voted and the winner is Mohamed Badine, master's student in computer science. Congratulations!


    Sentinel North Pint

    The Sentinel North Student Association invites you to the first Sentinel North Pint, which will take place on April 5, 2018 at La Ninkasi bar in Quebec City (811 Saint-Jean Street) from 7 pm to 9 pm. This science outreach activity is open to the public and aims to present the research of Thematic Project 3: Microbiomes: sentinels of the northern environment and human health through a series of conferences by the researchers at the heart of the projects.

    All details here

    Pinte Sentinelle Nord avril 2018

  • Executive committee

    valérie langlois association étudiante sentinelle nord

    Valérie Langlois, M. Sc., Co president
    Ph.D. in Microbiology

    thomas pitot association étudiante sentinelle nord

    Thomas Pitot, M. Sc., Co president
    Ph.D. in Microbiology

    anna gaspard association étudiante sentinelle nord

    Anna Gaspard, M. Sc., VP communications
    Ph.D. in Biology

    marie-amélie blais association étudiante sentinelle nord

    Marie-Amélie Blais, M. Sc., VP training
    Ph.D. in Biology

    karel cadoret association étudiante sentinelle nord

    Karel Cadoret, VP events
    Baccalaureate in Microbiology

    maxime benoit gagné association étudiante sentinelle nord

    Maxime Benoît-Gagné, M. Sc., Treasurer and secretary
    Ph.D. in Oceanography

I want to get involved

The association is recruiting students to develop a dynamic team focused on making student life in Sentinel North lively and rewarding. Do not hesitate to contact us or to share your ideas!