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Sentinel North Research Projects

Interdisciplinarity, innovation and partnership at the heart of research

With more than 55 research projects completed or underway, Sentinel North has achieved its goal of mobilizing a dynamic research community and generating dozens of new and innovative interdisciplinary collaborations between world-class researchers and recognized research centers from our institution and beyond.

The projects below are categorized according to their strong link to one of the three priority research axes of Sentinel North's research program. Most projects contribute to more than one axis.

An Interdisciplinary Approach to Research


sentinel north before after transdisciplinary collaborations


Above, networks of interdepartmental collaboration between Sentinel North’s researchers “before” and “after” program deployment. The “before” network shows collaborations between coauthors of interdepartmental publications between 2004 and 2014. The “after” network shows anticipated new interdepartmental collaborations resulting from joint publications under the 21 transdisciplinary sub-projects funded by Sentinel North following the first call for projects. The thickness of the interconnecting lines is proportional to the number of collaborators. The size of the nodes is proportional to the number of researchers in each department.