Mental health and well-being are the critical basis by which humans can flourish, fulfil their potential, contribute to their communities, and remain resilient in the face of stress and adversity. However, according to the World Health Organization, about 450 million people are currently living with mental health issues, making it one of the leading causes of disability worldwide (GBD 2019 Mental Disorders Collaborators, 2022; Lopez and Murray, 1998). In Canada, mental illness affects more than 6.7 million people, or one in five Canadians, every year (Smetanin et al., 2011). Mental health challenges are particularly pressing in Arctic and Subarctic regions, where rapid social and cultural changes have an impact on the well-being of Indigenous populations (Young et al., 2012; Lehti et al., 2009). The National Representational Organization Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami has identified mental wellness as the number one health priority (Alianait Inuit-specific Mental Wellness Task Group, 2007), which was also reflected in the 2017 health survey Qanuilirpitaa? in Nunavik. Four out of ten Nunavimmiut reported experiencing clinically significant depressive symptoms (Muckle et al., 2020), a level twice as high as the general Canadian population (Statistics Canada, 2020). Tackling this situation requires an approach to mental health that is holistic and culturally appropriate, recognizing that socio-economic factors such as housing play a role in determining health, including mental health and well-being (Alianait Inuit-specific Mental Wellness Task Group, 2007).