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Research Chairs

As part of the Sentinel North program, University Laval's Vice-Rectorate for Research, Creation and Innovation (VRRCI) is supporting research chairs to attract new researchers who will consolidate and / or fill the institution's capacity in strategic research areas for Sentinel North.


Sentinel North Research Chairs

Sentinel North is proud to welcome these exceptional professors to Université Laval, to enrich not only the Sentinel North transdisciplinary program, but also other major strategic initiatives.


Chaire de recherche Sentinelle Nord en géochimie des milieux aquatiques - Raoul-Marie Couture

Sentinel North Research Chair in Aquatic Environmental Geochemistry

This research chair aims to understand how element cycles are affected by current environmental changes and what impact these changes have on water quality.

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Raoul-Marie Couture
Faculty of Science and Engineering

Chaire de recherche Sentinelle Nord sur la neurobiologie du stress et de la résilience - Caroline Ménard

Sentinel North Chair in the Neurobiology of Stress and Resilience

This chair's objective is to shed light on the biological mechanisms underlying vulnerability or resilience to stress, in part with the help of state-of-the-art photonic technology, in order to develop innovative treatments to treat or even prevent depression and mood disorders.

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Caroline Ménard
Faculty of Medicine

Chaire de recherche Sentinelle Nord sur le réseau de surveillance des virus de l’influenza chez les oiseaux migrateurs du Grand Nord - Gary Wong

Sentinel North Research Chair on the Surveillance of Avian Influenza Viruses in Migratory Birds in Northern Canada

This chair aims to carry out surveillance studies on avian influenza viruses (AIV) in the northern regions of Canada (Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut and northern Québec) and investigate the ecology of AIV in wild migratory birds.

This chair ended in 2021.

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Gary Wong
Faculty of Medicine

mariana baz sentinelle nord

Sentinel North Research Chair on Respiratory viruses at the Animal-Human Interface: Emergence and control

The objectives of this chair are to 1) Characterize and study the evolution of human and animal influenza virus in the North of Quebec and compared it with other parts of the Quebec province; 2) Elucidate the molecular basis for mammalian adaptation of animal and avian IVs. 3) Evaluate novel and existing therapeutic approaches against IVs, SARS-CoV-2 and IVs/SARS-CoV-2 coinfections using animal models representing high-risk populations.

This chair started in 2021.

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Mariana Baz
Assistant professor
Faculty of medicine

Chaire de recherche sur les relations avec les sociétés inuit - Caroline Hervé

Sentinel North Research Chair on the Relations with Inuit Societies

The main objective of this chair is to to analyze the relationship between Inuit and non-Inuit, and the transformations of this relationship over the last decades and years to come.

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Officiel site (in French)

Caroline Hervé
Faculty of Social Sciences

Sentinel North Partnership
Research Chair in Economics and Brain

Sentinel North Partnership Research Chair in Economics and Brain Health

The objective of this Chair to is to understand the dynamics and causal relationships between income inequality, the organization of health care systems and brain health.

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Maripier Isabelle
Assistant professor
Faculty of Social Sciences

Sentinel North Research Chair on the Impact of Animal Migrations on Arctic Ecosystems

Sentinel North Research Chair on the Impact of Animal Migrations on Arctic Ecosystems

This Chair aims at understand Arctic ecosystem’s complex interconnections by including the connections created by animals migrating between the North and other parts of the globe.

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Pierre Legagneux
Assistant professor
Faculty of Science and Engineering

Research Chair on the
Applications and Theory of Network

Sentinel North Research Chair on the Applications and Theory of Network Analysis

The mission of the Research Chair on the Applications and Theory of Network Analysis is to develop new analysis and modelling tools to better understand the complex systems of the changing North.

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Antoine Allard
Assistant professor
Faculty of Science and Engineering

Sentinel North Partnership Research Chair in Molecular Neurobiology of Mood Disorders

Sentinel North Partnership Research Chair in Molecular Neurobiology of Mood Disorders

The Sentinel North Partnership Research Chair in Molecular Neurobiology of Mood Disorders aims to understand the molecular dynamics through which the environment modifies genome organization and increases men and women’s susceptibility to the stresses of daily life.

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Benoît Labonté
Assistant professor
Faculty of Medicine

Sentinel North Partnership Research Chair on Probing Life and the Environment with Light antoine godin

Sentinel North Partnership Research Chair on Probing Life and the Environment with Light

This research chair will develop new tools that use light and data processing to probe the organization of living tissues and the environment, from the nanoscopic all the way up to the scale of the vast northern expanses.

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Antoine Godin
Assistant professor
Faculty of Medicine

chaire sentinelle nord en approches ecosystémiques de la santé Mélanie Lemire

Sentinel North Partnership Research Chair on Ecosystemic Approaches to Health

This interdisciplinary research chair focuses on the health and resilience of indigenous peoples living in northern coastal regions. The research is conducted in close collaboration with these communities. Studying the complex effects of environmental change on health and well-being will aid in the development of relevant preventive actions for indigenous and coastal populations.

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Official site

Mélanie Lemire
Assistant professor
Faculty of Medicine

Pascale Roy-Léveillée sentinelle nord

Partnership research chair on Permafrost in Nunavik

This new research chair aims to characterize and map permafrost conditions on land used for traditional Indigenous activities, as well as assess its vulnerability to warming; perform additional permafrost characterization in northern villages to support sustainable land use planning, the adaptation of construction methods, the maintenance and development of infrastructure, and population safety; and design decision-making and scientific popularization tools to consolidate new findings and disseminate them to partners, as well as strengthen local capacities.

Pascale Roy-Léveillée
Associate professor
Faculty of Forestry, Geography, and Geomatics

cristoforo silvestri sentinelle nord

Sentinel North partnernship research chair on the gut microbiome-endocannabinoid system as an integrator of extreme environmental influences on bioenergetics

The chair will examine how extreme environmental conditions typical of life at northern latitudes affect brain and peripheral tissue mitochondrial function, and hence mental and metabolic health, through the intermediacy of the gut microbiome-endocannabinoid-mitochondria triangle, with the ultimate aim of developing new endocannabinoid/microbiome based therapies.

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Cristoforo Silvestri
Adjunct Professor
Faculty of Medicine

natalie jane michael sentinelle nord

Sentinel North partnership research chair on sleep pharmacometabolism

This Chair aims to determine how key neuronal populations in the brain, known to regulate sleep and wakefulness, detect changes in energy homeostasis. We will study how the function of these neurons is altered by factors associated with energy surplus. We will also define the pathophysiological changes that occur in these systems following the administration of drugs commonly used for the treatment of allergies and mental health problems. In addition, we intend to define the functional and behavioral impacts of disruptions in arousal circuitry. This work is particularly important for populations in northern Canada, which are subject to significant seasonal fluctuations in photoperiod, and where the burden of obesity is particularly pronounced.

Natalie Jane Michael
Assistant professor
Faculty of Pharmacy

sentinelle nord jean pascal bilodeau chaire de recherche en partenariat sur les infrastructures nordiques

Sentinel North Partnership Research Chair on northern infrastructure

In a context of climate change, the need to develop and maintain reliable and safe infrastructure for northern communities and for natural resources in the northern regions of Quebec and Canada requires a high level of expertise in northern engineering. The objective of this Chair is to develop technological tools to promote the sustainable development of infrastructure adapted to northern and changing conditions.

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Jean-Pascal Bilodeau
Assistant professor
Faculty of Science and Engineering

