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Arctic Snow School

Submitted by jerome on

To be held in the Canadian High-Arctic, this field school will provide an advanced hands-on training to better understand the dynamic processes of Arctic snow, its relationship to climate and wildlife, and its impact on communities in a changing North. The school will be hosted at the Canadian High Arctic Research Station in Iqaluktuuttiaq (Cambridge Bay, Nunavut, Canada) from April 1st to 8, 2023.

Applications are accepted until January 15, 2023.


Advanced Field School in Computational Ecology

Submitted by jerome on

Play, Model, Integrate

May 19 to 26, 2023 at the Couvent de Val-Morin


The structure and functioning of northern ecosystems remain poorly understood. However, the rapid emergence of new technologies and powerful computational analysis methods offers an unprecedented opportunity to gain a comprehensive understanding of the functioning of Arctic biodiversity and to model the complexity of these ecosystems.

Participate in the Knowledge Mobilization Ideas Challenge

Submitted by jerome on

You have ideas for funding competitions or new initiatives to encourage knowledge mobilization? Share them and win a $500 prize if your idea is selected. The Ideas Challenge aims to generate to new initiatives that could be implemented by the Sentinel North administrative center to highlight the efforts and/or encourage new concrete actions in terms knowledge mobilization from its research teams.

  • Deadline to submit your ideas: October 24, 2022.


A new research chair to develop and maintain resilient infrastructures for northern communities

Submitted by jerome on

In the face of climate change, the need to develop and maintain reliable and safe infrastructures for northern communities and natural resources in the northern regions of Quebec and Canada requires a high level of expertise in northern engineering. The new Sentinel North Partnership Research Chair on Northern Infrastructure will promote, through the development of technological tools, the sustainable development of infrastructure adapted to northern conditions and resilient to climate change.

Exceptional season for fieldwork

Submitted by jerome on

Several Sentinel North teams have traveled to the North over the past few months to carry on with their research activities, meet with their northern partners, collect valuable data or deploy technologies on-site.

Below are a few selected examples of the fieldwork being conducted by Sentinel North researchers and students as part of a successful 2022 fieldwork season.


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