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Follow the second Sentinel North International PhD School

Submitted by jerome on

The second edition of Sentinel North international Ph.D. school is underway in Nunavut, in the Canadian Arctic. From July 12 to 24, 2018, nineteen young scientists, twelve research professionals and technicians as well as ten internationally renowned professors from 12 universities in 8 countries will explore the Baffin sea and Baffin Island fjords on board the CCGS Amundsen. Their goal is to better understand the role of light in ecosystem services and health in the North. The program also includes meeting and exchanging with members of northern communities of Iqaluit and Qikiqtarjuaq.

Shedding Light on Arctic Marine Ecosystem Services | Field Report

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The second edition of the Sentinel North International Ph.D School sets its course towards Baffin Bay in Nunavut, Canada. The team of 19 students and 22 mentors from 12 different universities have boarded the CCGS Amundsen Canadian research icebreaker as part of a unique experience aimed at studying the role of light in driving arctic marine food webs, ecosystems services, and human health in the North.

Project BriGHT sets course to assess climate-driven changes on traditional inuit food

Submitted by jerome on

Project BriGHT will be on board the CCGS Amundsen from July 5 to 13, 2018 to collect samples of water and country food along the coast of Nunavik. The team will also take this opportunity to visit Inuit communities to discuss their preoccupations concerning climate and changes in country food availability and quality.


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Conference program


See the program and discover the speakers, presentation and thematic session details, exhibitors and schedule.


Complex Networks Winter Workshop 2018

Submitted by jerome on

International PhD School

December 15 - 21, 2018, Québec city, Canada


Sentinel North in collaboration with the Complex Systems Center of the University of Vermont and the Networks Science Institute of Northeastern University announce the Complex Networks Winter Workshop (CNWW), to be held on December 15 to 21, 2018 in Quebec city, on the theme "Networks of the North: Structure and Function".

Launch of 3 new Sentinel North research chairs

Submitted by jerome on

Université Laval announces the creation of three new Sentinel North Research Chairs, in aquatic environmental geochemistry (Raoul-Marie Couture, Dep. of Chemistry), on neurobiology of stress and resilience (Caroline Ménard, Dep. of Psychiatry and Neuroscience), and on the surveillance of avian influenza viruses in migratory birds in northern Canada (Gary Wong, Dep. of Microbiology and Immunology).

Registration and venue

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Below you will find the registration and accommodation information for the Sentinel North Scientific Meeting to be held August 26-28, 2019 at the Lévis Convention and Exhibition Centre.


Presentation guidelines

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

You will find below the guidelines for oral presentations and posters for the Meeting. Speakers will also find useful tips to deliver their message efficiently to a transdisciplinary audience.


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