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Research opportunities for students

Submitted by jerome on

Projects and chairs funded by Sentinel North can provide opportunities for master's, doctoral and post-doctoral students to pursue their research projects in a dynamic and innovative transdisciplinary setting.

The list below is updated each new session based on the Sentinel North projects posted on Université Laval's Placement Site (SPLA). We also invite you to consult the Research Projects to identify which project(s) that interest you, and to contact the principal investigators for any information request.


Partnerships and Collaborations

Submitted by jerome on

Sentinel North relies on a vast network of northern, academic, public, and private partners supported by many research centres and clusters, to sustain its research and training activities. Collaborations are based on a willingness to work with world-renowned institutions and researchers to develop innovative joint projects that foster long-term cooperation.


The Changing Cryosphere: From Sensors to Decision-making

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

International Arctic Field School

March 2 - 9, 2018, Iqaluit (Nunavut), Canada


Under the leadership of the Sentinel North strategy of Université Laval (Quebec City, Canada), the International Arctic Field School provided 30 international and northern students with a unique opportunity to interact with high-profile scientists, local experts and managers as part of a transdisciplinary training program that addresses the complex and interrelated scientific and socio-economic issues linked to the changing Arctic cryosphere.

Shedding Light on Arctic marine ecosystem services

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

International Ph.D. School

July 12 to 24, 2018, Baffin Bay (Nunavut), Canada


Under the leadership of the Sentinel North program of Université Laval (Quebec City, Canada), the International Ph.D. School (IPS) provides international students with a unique opportunity to interact with high-profile scientists as part of a transdisciplinary and highly technological training program aiming to demystify the role of light in driving arctic marine food webs, ecosystems services, and human health in the North.

Internship Scholarship Program For International Students

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Program objectives

An international scholarship program is available to international students for an internship in the laboratories of Université Laval researchers participating in research projects funded by Sentinel North's research program. Through this program, Sentinel North seeks to attract new talent, foster the development of young international scientists able to tackle and help resolve complex northern issues, and encourage the sharing of knowledge and experience across borders.

Sentinel North Training Fund

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Program objectives

The purpose of this fund is to enable graduate students to attend high-level international schools (training workshops, specialized summer/winter masterclasses) whose topics are aligned with Sentinel North's research program. Recognizing the value of such training, Sentinel North wishes through this program to foster the development of a new generation of young scientists able to tackle and help resolve complex northern issues, and encourage the sharing of knowledge and experience across borders.

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